Emerging Vision Priorities

In March, over 100 of us participated in the small group visioning gatherings and/or completed the online survey!  The Vision Team has had a chance to review all your input and some core priorities have emerged.

Building Community, we envision:

  • A campus that is a safe and welcoming home for people of diverse ages, backgrounds, and identities.
  • A trusted location for building community partnerships that reflect our values of love and justice.
  • A campus that inspires joyful and meaningful social connections.

Building Accessibility, we envision:

  • A place where people of diverse abilities participate seamlessly in all aspects of community life.
  • Using technology in ways that improve access and build community.

Building Resilience, we envision:

  • A campus equipped with sustainable facilities that allow us to be of service in times of crisis.
  • A campus that models our commitment to climate action and care for the environment.
  • Our campus as a sanctuary that sustains the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the community.