Family Resources
For Parents and Caregivers
“What’s my role?”
Come regularly. Join in! Be a part of our community. One of the most important ways to encourage religious and spiritual development in children and youth is to participate consistently in the life of the congregation. By coming regularly, your children will create friendships that will bond them to the community. And so will you. Continuity ensures that children get a deeper understanding of the curriculum and build trusting relationships with our dedicated teachers. Consistent attendance makes the CRE experience richer for all.
We also want parents to join in the life of our community at USSB. Attend worship and events to become involved in the congregation. Then, once you have a sense of belonging, please get involved in the CRE program in a way that suits your time and talents.
Pizza Church!
Once a month on a Friday evening, families with children gather at USSB for a meal, a family chapel service, and fun activities for all ages. USSB takes care of the pizza. Children have time to play together while parents enjoy the opportunity to get to know each other outside of Sunday mornings. In our family chapel service we light a chalice, sing some songs, hear a story, move around and even make a little noise in the sanctuary! During the summer months we hold Pizza Church outdoors at local parks. Please email Charla Bregante for the date and time of our next Pizza Church.