There are many ways you can practice generosity!

Make an online pledge, gift, or donation

Click here to be directed to our online merchant donation page.

Text to give

If you’re watching our service from home you can add a donation to the Sunday plate via “Text to Give.” Simply text a dollar amount to 1-844-409-8397 and follow the prompts. Your donation will get included in the plate offering that day. If you want your text gift to go somewhere other than the Sunday plate, use one of the other methods below.

Make a contribution by cash or check

Cash gifts can be brought directly to the USSB office, and checks can be mailed or hand-delivered to USSB at 1535 Santa Barbara St., Santa Barbara, CA, 93101.

Make a gift of stock to USSB

Gifts of stock can be made to USSB. Email Erin Wilson to find out more.

Make a financial pledge to USSB

Pledging sustains our congregational mission and ends and is the backbone of our operating budget. Click here to learn more about pledging at USSB.

Learn about the USSB Endowment Fund

The USSB Endowment Fund holds and administers bequests and gifts for the benefit of the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara. Click here to learn more.

Include USSB in your bequest

Click here to learn about planned giving at USSB, our Chalice Circle, and including the Unitarian Society in your bequest.