Your First Name (required)
Your Last Name (required)
Fiance's First Name (required)
Fiance's Last Name (required)
Primary Contact (required)
Make a SelectionMeMy Fiance
Primary Contact Email (required)
Primary Contact - Best Phone Number
Wedding Description (required)
Select from ListWedding & ReceptionCeremony OnlyReception Only
Wedding Date (required)
IF you are booking just a Ceremony (without a Reception) please select your desired 4-hour time frame. (required)
Select preferred Timeframe1pm to 5pm2pm to 6pm
Approximate Guest Count
Select from List000-050051-075076-100101-125126-150151-200
Mailing Street Address (This address will be used when refunding your Security Deposit.)
Preferred Rehearsal Date (Recommended for the Thursday or Friday before your wedding.)
Preferred Rehearsal Time: (Usually offered in the late afternoon or early evening, for one hour.)
Make a Selection4:00pm4:30pm5:00pm5:30pm6:00pm6:30pm
Add our All-Inclusive Equipment Rental Package? Over 90% of couples rent our All-Inclusive Package, which provides a 25% discount on the following items: Table & Chair Rental, Courtyard Lights, Parish Hall Market Lights, Parish Hall Uplights & Cocktail Tables
Would you like to add our All-Inclusive package to your Wedding?
Make a SelectionYesNo
If you are NOT selecting our All-Inclusive Package, you can instead choose the items you would like to rent from us, if any.
Will you be renting Tables & Chairs from us?
—Please choose an option—YesNoNot Sure
Will you be renting our Palm Tree Courtyard Lights?
Will you be renting our Parish Hall Market Lights?
Will you be renting our Up-Light package?
Will you be renting our 6 Cocktail tables?
Are you already working with a Wedding Coordinator?
Please provide us with their name and email address.
Will you be renting the use of our Sanctuary Piano?
Make a SelectionYesNoNot Sure
If you have a Wedding Website, would you share it with us?
How did you hear about USSB? (Please choose all that apply.)
Here Comes The GuideWedding WireBorrowed & BlueGoogle SearchThe KnotSanta Barbara Venuesdrive or walk byfriend or relativeYelpOther
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