Join us this Sunday for the kickoff our Summer Speaker Series. Our Guest Speaker, the Rev. Mark Asman, was the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church for 22 years before his retirement. Santa Barbara’s first openly gay spiritual leader, the Rev. Asman has been a leading voice for social justice in Santa Barbara.
“While I come at this from my Christian tradition, I view this project in the expansive words of Matthew Fox’s image that there is one generous river of divine love and wisdom, and all of our individual and collective wells seek to tap into this river. This dream of interfaith respect and collaboration gives me hope for the future. And yet there is a rising tide of Christian nationalism and authoritarianism threatening our institutions of democracy. Some of these leaders use hate, fear and lies to divide us. Is our shared mission of building God’s dream of love and justice up to the task? I look forward to exploring this challenge with you and hearing your feedback and questions following the service.” –Rev. Mark Asman