Becoming Unitarian: The Channing Window

There was a time when to be a “Unitarian” was to be a heretic – an unbeliever, a heathen, a hell-bound freethinker – and some might say we still are! But around the early 1800s, Unitarianism came out of the shadows and began to claim its own identity, due in part to the work of the Rev. William Ellery Channing (one of the names on our sanctuary windows). Did he intend to start something new? What would he say about naming and claiming our Unitarian Universalist identity today?

Our Sunday services take place online at 10:00 a.m.

Join Rev. Julia online for our live Facebook streaming services at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday, or watch using Zoom with this link. Service will be followed by a virtual coffee hour for conversation and connection, also on Zoom.

See you then!

If you miss the service or have trouble connecting to Facebook live, the video will be available on the Facebook video archive page soon after the service concludes. We also post all service videos on our YouTube channel and on our service archive page.