Remembering the Future

“Can we develop the skill of remembering the future? Can we commit to build the community that will extend into a time that we only know by memory because it will outlast us? Memorize the compass points of the day yet to come: the truth, the love, the fire, the endless yes of the horizon.” – The Rev. Theresa I. Soto

Join us after the service in Parish Hall for a presentation and conversation with our Capital Campaign Consultant about what she has learned from her weekend spent with congregational leadership discussing the future of USSB!

Our Sunday services take place both in-person and online at 10:00 a.m.

Watch on Facebook with this link, or on Zoom with this link. Service will be followed by a virtual coffee hour for conversation and connection, also on Zoom.

See you then!

If you miss the service or have trouble connecting, we also post all service videos on our YouTube channel and on our service archive page a day or two after each service.