Speaker: Ken Ralph

The Good Things

Members of our Worship Team have taken a moment, during each of our Sunday services this year, to share something good that’s going on around us. We’ve also asked congregants to write down a good thing they’ve noticed and put it in our “Good Things Jar” every week. Have you ever wondered what wonderful things … Continue reading The Good Things

Reflections on Fatherhood

Each year we set aside the third Sunday in June to celebrate those among us who have assumed the role of fathering a child. This is no easy undertaking. It requires time, commitment, generosity, support, advice, forgiveness, sacrifice, and unending compassion. Father’s Day provides the opportunity to acknowledge and thank those intrepid souls who have … Continue reading Reflections on Fatherhood

This I Believe

New Year’s Day is often associated with new resolutions for the upcoming year. What if, instead, we took this moment to reexamine our personal credos, our own personal beliefs? What has changed over the past year? How have our beliefs been challenged or affirmed? How can we live more in line with our strongest beliefs? This … Continue reading This I Believe

Only Connect

Life continually invites us to connect with each other. Opportunities to extend love and care to our community pop up at the most unexpected times and places. The question is whether we will allow ourselves to put aside our fears and judgements, take a leap of faith and accept the invitation. Join us, and ministers … Continue reading Only Connect


The English poet, John Donne, proposed that, “It’s only by keeping death nearby that one can truly live.” Could it be that the very temporary nature of our time in this world, something most of us would rather not think about, is actually the thing that allows us to see and experience life most fully? … Continue reading Awake!